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Computer diagnostic Kampala

PC Diagnostic The PC diagnostic is something that only an expert can do. We’re talking just about professional tools

Computer Keyboard Repair Kampala

PC Keyboard Every computer that does not have a touch screen uses a computer keyboard. This can be a

Kampala Computer Maintenance

PC Maintenance Every computer is a machine with a lot of small parts. It assembles different hardware components to

Computer Upgrade service Kampala

PC upgrade service Every computer you buy or receive has defined parameters, components, and features. Over time, some hardware

Monitor Repair Services Kampala

Monitor repair services The monitor plays an important role in your computer or laptop. There are some often problems

Video Card Repair or Replacement

Graphics video card The computer’s video card plays a key role in properly displaying software applications. Problems of the

Router setup services in kampala

Wi-Fi router setup Using the Internet in the 21st century is very important. It has a constant impact on

Virus Cleaning & Malware Removal

Internet security problems Many things can lead to a security problem for your computer. Today it’s not enough just

Software Installation including Office 365

PC Software Every computer needs software to work correctly. It can be an operating system, additional software, application, tool

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